March 2015, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, the Education Minister, presented her
project for the secondary school reforms which will come into effect in the
2016-2017 school year. The official text was released on the 20th May 2015. Many parents
and teachers don't understand the government's policies, hence the several anti-government
of the propositions is for all pupils to start learning a second language in 7th
grade instead of 8th grade. The specialized classes in which children learnt two
languages therefore will cease to exist (they are considered too “elitist” by
the Government anyway). But the opposition of the teachers and parents has been
successful as 70% of the bilingual sections will be maintained. This, however,
will cause territorial inequalities: 100% of these classes will be maintained
in Paris but in the catchment areas of Montpelier, Nice, Toulon and
Clermont-Ferrand 10 to 15% of them will close, and in Rouen, Lyon and Grenoble,
75% of them will disappear. In Caen, only 3 bilingual classes (out of 60) will
European sections (in which pupils learn some of their subjects in a foreign
language) will suffer the same fate as they are judged too “elitist”, though
the parents and teachers consider these classes as a plus and as preparation to
study abroad.
phasing out of two-language classes and of the European sections is an obvious
case of dumbing down. Why should we penalize pupils who are able to take on
extra hours, and do more? The most surprising thing is that two-language
classes are going to be created in the “ZEP” (priority education zones). This
proves that these types of classes actually are helpful to the pupils, so why
phase them out elsewhere?
reform doesn't only have bad points. It will, for example, generalize the
personalised accompaniment of pupils in secondary school and this is a plus as
the pupils of this level are not always independent enough. It will also
encourage working in small groups, which can only be good as classes are so overcrowded.
TV info
Décret n°2015-544 du 19 mai 2015
relatif à l'organisation des enseignements au collège
Arrêté du 19 mai 2015 relatif à
l'organisation des enseignements dans les classes de collège
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