Saturday 16 April 2016

Getting a job… By Foucauld DE CROMIERES

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People have difficulties finding a job. One of the main reasons for unemployment can be discrimination… 3 people out of 10 say they have been victims of discrimination. In fact, it is an employer (or a recruiter) who in the end chooses who is going to work in a company, whatever the law says…

Job applications, even from well-qualified people, are often rejected because of the origins, sex, or physical appearance of the applicant.

Governments around the world try to reduce these discriminations. In France, there are numerous laws and rules that employers have to respect when hiring somebody. The most important is the anonymous CV. This CV only contains the experience and the competences of the candidate (no name, no age, no photo). This means the employer cannot judge a candidate on his or her physical appearance but only on his competences.

Another important law concerns cases in which (potential) employees consider that they have been victims of discrimination: they can file a complaint against the employer. Today, the Justice system is there to help them fight against prejudice.

In spite of all these measures, discrimination in the jobs market is on the increase because our world is corrupt and so the victims of discrimination do not always win, because the employer has more power than the candidate…

Also, not all the victims of discrimination file complaints. This is often because they are afraid or resigned to their fate and justice is not applied…

You can have a role in this fight against job discrimination! You can help the victims through associations by giving them assistance or moral support by listening to them. By becoming a mediator, you can reduce this form of injustice.


Sciences économique et sociales TES  édition Bordas (2012)

Foucauld DE CROMIERES wants to work in Human Resources (and is going to be a  FAIR recruiter!).

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